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Summer is upon us and it’s time for millions of clubbers from across the globe, from excited first timers to dedicated year-on-year regulars alike, to descend on to the White Isle with Ibiza lovingly delivering a warm and well needed musical embrace.

Each new season sees a welcome influx of new nights keeping the island fresh and vibrant. This year one event that has really caught the eye of us here at Le Visiteur is The Little Disco at Lio. Coming from the team behind Manchester’s La Discothèque you already know that it’s going to have some serious quality behind it.

Running every Monday from the 19th June through to the 21st August The Little Disco has just announced it’s Ibiza line-up and has drafted in a whole host of LV regulars and favourites including Crazy P, Dicky Trisco, Ben Gomori, Moodena, Shaka Loves You and Midnight Riot. The line-up is literally overflowing with inspiring talent every single week.

Backing up this sublime guest roster are residents Mr Doris and Blondewearingblack (Live) who will be on hand to kick the proceedings into top gear each week.

I caught up with Mr Doris for a quick chat about the night and why it is this seasons must visit event.

Hi Mr Doris,

Good to catch up with you again. For any of our readers who haven’t met you before please can you give us a quick potted history of Mr Doris 

Hello readers!

Well, where do I start? From the beginning I guess.

I’ve been coming to the island since the mid-90’s and I have called Ibiza home since the early 2000’s. Originally gaining a DJ residency for Defected at Pacha in 2005 then moving to play for We Love Sundays at Space then Carl Cox, then back to We Love for both Dj’ing and programming with my project After Dark (bringing the likes of Jazzanova, Craig Charles, DJ Yoda, Coldcut and many many others to the club) until the venue shut in 2016.

From 2017 Hî Ibiza took over what was Space and took me on board as their resident DJ and I was playing for them at least 3 nights a week then in 2018 I was introduced to Pacha’s little sister venue Lio via Manumission, who I was Musical Director for at the time (bringing the likes of Pillow Talk, Lovebirds, Thatmanmonkz, PBR Streetgang, Jon Sa Trinxa, Alfredo and a whole host of legends to play).

After that initial introduction to Lio, I got on so well with the crew there that they invited me to be involved with 2manydjs and Felix Da Housecat’s projects which brings us to this year and my very own project with the guys La Discothéque! Phew!

Alongside the clubs I revel in the Balearic beat and have a 16 year residency at El Chiringuito on Es Cavallet beach (where I am also the director of music) as well as many other chilled guest spots on the island.

Release wise, there is plenty out there! From hip hop to house music, I’ve worked and released with everyone from Nightmares On Wax, DJ Vadim, Groove Armada, The Baker Brothers, Natasha Kitty Katt, The Owl and plenty of others on labels such as Jalapeño, Bomb Strikes, Let There Be House, Seamless and Slightly Transformed.

I’ve actually got a remix out this week on vinyl via Boogie Butt records! Go check Ian Ash & Eliza May – Thank You (Mr Doris & D-Funk remix) on bandcamp:

You are of course well known for your passion for Ibiza and your residencies on the island. How did your love affair with the island begin?

I first came here on a “lads” holiday in ’96 for two weeks of nonsense (I don’t think we left San Antonio) but immediately fell in love with the vibe of the island and the music being played at nights such as Clockwork Orange. The next year we came back for a month and made it out of “Little England” to Playa den Bossa and Ibiza Town.

I spent more and more time on the island and then in 2002 made the conscious decision to do everything my power to make it my home.

And when did you move to the island full time?

I first really moved as an all-year-round base in 2005, choosing the beautifully ancient Dalt Vila and it’s surrounding barrios as my home. I still love the area with all my heart.

What are some of your favourite residencies that you have held since you moved to the island?

DJ’ing with Fatboy Slim in the toilets of Manumission at Privilege (where I played several times) was fun!

All my residencies were special in different ways. Being at Space for 12 years and curating one of the rooms with musical freedom was certainly a highlight too.

DJ’ing at Carl Cox’s night at the same venue, when we used to regularly get over ten thousand people through the doors was pretty amazing as well.

Being one of the original Glitterbox residents from it’s concept and being with them for their inaugural 5 years (until I moved to Lio with 2manydj’s!) is something to shout about too I guess!

My all-night-long sets in the Wild Corner of Hi are always something special (if a little exhausting!).

I must say though, that the older I have got, the more I have enjoyed working with Pacha (I loved working with them in the 2000’s too).

Being their main room resident last year and this year for Pure Pacha on Thursdays just feels class and it’s a good fit for where I am in my life right now. Musically I just do my thing and everyone seems to be happy.

There’s also nothing quite like soundtracking a sunset here.

So in summary there really is too many to mention and I feel very honoured to have been part of them all.

There have been big changes on the Island over the last few years. How would you say the vibe and the music on the island has changed since you arrived there and what would you say is the musical ethos of Ibiza right now?

I think there have been big changes in the world over the last few years and Ibiza is no different. Some bad, some good. Musically its much more broad than it ever was 20 or even 10 years ago. It’s very hard to pin down the musical ethos nowadays as there is just so much on offer compared to before. The standard is often incredibly high though.

The Little Disco is a very exciting club night. How did your involvement with the event begin?

Pacha approached me at the end of last year to start my own night at Lio but I’ve never really been interested in promoting, although I love curating, so I had to have a real think on who I could ask to be involved.

My wonderful agent (and friend) Guy Williams is good buddy’s with the equally wonderful people at La Discothéque (who run The Little Disco) and so I asked him to connect us.

We spoke, had a similar outlook and most importantly got on, and as they say, the rest is history (and future!).

How is it to be working with the La Discotheque team on this event?

Amazing. They have a great outlook on everything and share the same drive and passion for music and events, I couldn’t wish for better partners (I promise they’re not stood behind me as I type this).

Talk us through what you’ve been working on leading up to the launch of The Little Disco?

Oh jeez! Far too much to mention and I don’t want to give away any trade secrets but let’s just say we are involved in everything from music to lighting, to stage design (the venue is pretty special), to the dancers outfits, online promo, artwork, you name it, we do it.

How did you go about choosing the other DJ’s for the event?

Contacted all my musical friends who would play for pennies. Ha! Joking (maybe).

I wanted to have a broad scope of music with an underlying 4/4 and disco tone, and they had to be unique and interesting, far too many of the same lineups with every DJ being a “headliner”. I really don’t like how many of the clubs have gone like that, so I’ve tried to steer away from the “usuals”.

Other than the headliners, if you had to pull out one name from the roster of DJ’s who is an absolute must see at The Little Disco who would it be and why?

I’m of the thought that we don’t have headliners as it’s such a broad spectrum of interesting DJ’s that all have something unique to offer. You’ll be guaranteed to hear something special each week. Personally I’m looking forward to hear what Tigerbalm, Nickodemus and Krysko bring to the table, but that’s just me, they’ll be something for everyone.

What can you tell us about the other resident Blondewearingblack (Live)?

She is the best. A fantastic vocalist with a stage presence like no other. Recently recording with the likes of David Morales, Defex, Steve Bug and Mr G on labels such as Poker Flat, Get Physical, Strictly Rhythm and Defected. An absolute pleasure to work with and a talented artist to boot.

If you had to pick three records which sum up the vibe of The Little Disco what would they be, and why?

Difficult to do as we have so much musical variance showcased but these are what will do it for me!

Couldn’t come on here without a bit of self-promotion! Here’s my new remix out this week! 😉

Well, I couldn’t have a new release and not mention it, could I?

Seriously though, I love this remix that we’ve done. Out on vinyl too!

Nothing like the smooth worldly vibes of Bosq and this track is such a great crossover.

A party starting beast of a track from Ron Carroll on this recent release on the behemoth that is Glitterbox.

What can you tell us about Lio and what do you think the venue will add to the event?

For those that are old like me, they might remember the venue in it’s past incarnation El Divino, where Defected, Hed Kandi, Soul Heaven, Miss Moneypenny’s and many others had there first residencies. Since then it has been owned and run by Pacha who created a dinner & show experience (we move into party mode at midnight) that overlooks the beautiful port of Ibiza Town.

It’s a much more intimate venue than most (only a 300 capacity dancefloor) with a hoofing sound system (2manydj’s residency here should attest to that).

Above all, there is an overwhelming feeling of fun to the venue which I feel fits perfect to what we are trying to achieve.

Please can you give our readers three insider tips for Ibiza this year?

I might get tackled in the street for these but here goes.

If you want a truly authentic lunch head to the “fish shack” (it has no name) at the end of Talamanca beach near Sa Punta.

An incredibly special sunset at La Torre is magical.

Cocktails and banter at Paradise Lost in the cobbled streets of Ibiza Town.

One for good measure, our night The Litte Disco at Lio every Monday! 😉

For readers who are looking to get their Balearic playlists organised before they head over to Ibiza. please can you pick for us your three quintessential Balearic tracks.

Oof! Another tough one!

Balearic means a different thing to everyone but here are mine:

Best start to the day, ever.

One of the best producers of world music in recent years, Nicola Cruz delivers once again.

If you don’t feel happy after listening to this you need to seek professional help.

What else are you most looking forward to from this Ibiza season?

September. Ha! The month I can breath a little, with the end in sight and a time I can let my hair down a little.

It’s always such an intense section of the year (you’d think I would be used to it by now) that I find it very difficult to truly enjoy it (as the last few years I’ve really stepped up my professionalism).

Do you get some downtime to enjoy the Island during the season or is it all go once the season begins?

I’m taking my foot off the travelling peddle a little this year as in the past I have DJ’d most weekends in different countries (79 flights in ’22) but this year I’m only away one maybe two weekends a month at the most. I have an incredible wife and baby that I want to spend as much time with as possible.

And finally what else can we expect from Mr Doris in 2023?

Is the above not enough? 😉

Despite the slight relaxation on the touring front you can catch me at the Goodwood Festival with Roger Sanchez this month, plus gigs in Bulgaria, Marsielle, London, Bournemouth and a couple of other spots during the summer.

Lot’s of music releases coming (keep your eyes peeled for our big release with Jalapeño at the end of July!), with an album at the end of the year and a tour of Asia and Australia in December.

For more info on The Little Disco and MR Doris Please check:

Mr Doris Facebook:
Mr Doris Soundcloud:
Mr Doris Instagram:
Mr Doris Twitter:
The Little Disco Facebook:
The Little Disco Instagram:
La Discothèque Twitter:

Love this? Check out more from Mr Doris HERE